Pranic Psychotherapy

Pranic Psychotherapy

Pranic Psychotherapy basically provides effective techniques to improve a wide range of emotional and psychological disorders. Its aim is to free the patients from repetitive negative thoughts and behaviors that seem difficult to change.

Negative thoughts and emotions create imbalances in the human aura and its chakras, which affect their proper functioning. In severe psychological ailments, we further have the interference of negative energy elementals and strong negative thought forms. These negative elementals are etheric energy beings that feed off of low frequency vibrational energy and once joined with a host, will constantly try to provoke that person into a negative headspace. In certain conditions they even create holes and cracks in the protective web of the chakras, which make it even more difficult to normalize despite using psychotherapy and consultation. In these cases Pranic Psychotherapy is extremely helpful in disintegrating and releasing these energy parasites and crippling energetic patterns using specific potent color pranas.

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