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Switchwords are the WORDS which can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. It means that words have the power to change your energy. All words can become Switchwords. All words have some power to become Switchwords. So it is very simple to understand that those words which have the power to switch your energy are called Switchwords for you.

Switchwords is one of the very effective healing modality. It works with our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind records and files away everything going on around you on every level, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for future reference.

As it observes similar experiences, conditions or responses associated with a word or action over and over again, the subconscious mind begins to anticipate and even look for (attract) these experiences, conditions or responses. These actions or words become Switchwords switches for bringing about the specific experiences, conditions or responses associated with the words or actions. Switchwords bypass the conscious mind and activate switches in the subconscious mind. Basically you can sing, chant, write, charge or make an energy circle with switchwords.

We are specialized in various fields and offer an extensive range of techniques like Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, Switch Words. We are one of the best organizations for Switch Words in Pune and help people to learn and use these techniques as fine art.

Switchwords are words and phrases that everyone can use to directly communicate with the subconscious mind to bring into their lives what they wish to have. Switchwords can be written, spoken, chanted, used to charge water, placed in energy circles, and used as part of a meditation practice.

Switchwords rely on our beliefs and there are thousands of success stories across the internet. Now before saying too much more, it is important to point out that if you don't believe in switchwords they probably won't work.

Using them is similar to using the Law of Attraction, so you have to believe it to see it. The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts create your reality and in order for anything to manifest you have to think about it first.

Energy Circle

Energy circle (EC) is a very powerful technique to send energy to a particular person, cause or dream. This EC is created for an accumulation of the energy and then directed towards different purposes. In this method, switch words, switch phrases, mantras, prayers etc could be added. Switch words and phrases are the energy words which can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to another dimension without many efforts. In the ancient time, rishis use different mantras which are kind of words which have energy to change the dimensions of the state. So, we recite prayers to accumulate the energy of words and use it. On the Full Moon, the moon has maximum energy from the sun as both are exactly opposite and we can use this powerful energy to create energy circle and direct that energy for any particular cause like healing of the relationship, for better health, more prosperity in life or for any happiness or dreams.