Magnified Training
By practicing this technique regularly, continuously and with full faith, individual can attain "moksha" and can become one with spiritual being. It can eliminate all your bad karmas in seconds of healing.
This healing was first introduced to earth in 1983. Previously, this healing method was used only in the higher dimensions by ascended masters to assist themselves. In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of ascended master MOTHER KWAN YIN, Magnified healing of the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of humanity and the earth. By practicing this technique regularly, continuously and with full faith, individual can attain "moksha" and can become one with spiritual beings. It can eliminate all your bad karmas in seconds of healing.
The workshop includes:-
- Meditation for Empowerment
- Acknowledgment of the Three Fold Flame and Higher Self
- Alignment of Spiritual Centers
- Clearing of the Light Channel
- Co-creating the energy of Magnified Healing
- Attunement of Level
Healing self and others
- Connection of the Nervous System
- Scan/ Heal the Body, Stimulate the Calcium on the Spine
- Healing of Karma
- Building of the Light Body
- Preparation for Ascension
- Absent Healing and Transplants
- Healing of the Earth