Vibrations affect the movement of energy through the chakras. For example, persistent negative thoughts create an energetic 'signature' that is not in alignment with your true nature as a loving, eternal spiritual being. And so, they disrupt your energy field and the movement of energy in the body.
To clear your energy and restore your chakras balance, start with your home. Your home holds a powerful concentration of "your" energy. Your thoughts, words, actions and emotions are living in your home right along with you this is why certain homes have a warm, welcoming 'vibe' and you can't wait to get out of others. It's important to clear out negative energy in your physical spaces; interestingly, as you do this, you set the stage for clearing the negative energy out of yourself. Then you'll notice a marked improvement in your life circumstances!
Symptoms of Negative Energy
- You sense people are avoiding you
- Constant conflicts, fights or quarrels arising for no reason
- Your good intentions are constantly misunderstood
- Relationship issues-Fighting with your spouse-kids
- Friends, Relatives or co-workers do not believe you or trust you
- Your work or professional career suffers
- Blocked income & financial prospects